Message from the Pastor
  My Brothers and sisters, at home and in the Diaspora, friends of Glendevon, at home and abroad we welcome you to this page which we intend to use in an effort to keep you abreast of    the worship and fellowship experience we are building in our service to the community. We intend for it to be a rejuvenating experience and an encounter that will engender growing                                        anticipation as you visit us here, and it is our hope that you will be induced to partner with us as we seek to put our religion in working clothes.

The realization of this dream has created pulsating excitement and the plan is that this will be a medium to revive recollections of timeless and priceless friendships and create cross border                            exchanges that will awaken deeper commitment to God and devotion to our remnant mission to prepare people for the Parousia. I welcome you to a new and exciting dimension of our                                        church's ministry in the context of apocalyptic events which are creating awareness for the Adventist Church that its remnant teachings are now been validated. It’s time for us to commit ourselves to the conventions, distinctive doctrines, and practices that make this Church unique.

Welcome to a calculated effort at making Adventism attractive, enticing, "user friendly" and practical in the trenches of life where human suffering and depravity exist. Imbibe the blessings that will emanate from this reservoir and allow what happens here to foster a sobering and faith building worship experience. May this investment of time and expertise build your faith, deepen your commitment and win your loyalty to the cross to the extent that you can declare unequivocally "I Pledge Allegiance ... with all I am...!"

Yours Truly,
Pastor C. Tidene Brevitt, J.P.



Ellen Gould White Estate
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